Bringing People Together and Uniting Hearts Through God's Love.
"His Banner Over Us Is Love."
Since Love-Lift Ministries began in 1977, tens of thousands have been blessed to receive useful gifts as tangible evidence of God's saving love-in action.
Also blessed are the many people who are finding a fruitful way to serve the Lord by serving others.
Love-Lift Ministries, a totally volunteer non-profit corporation, offers an opportunity for you, or your group, to help people in need on mission fields by giving through a responsible and trustworthy Christian organization. Since 1977, Love-Lift Ministries has demonstrated a time proven ability to deliver, and to touch the lives of people who need our help and encouragement in the Name of the Lord. This interdenominational evangelistic outreach succeeds because over the years since we began, we have formed Christ-centered relationships with a variety of missionaries, village pastors and their congegrations, church schools, Bible schools, and "orphanages", or child-care centers. The leaders of these Christian ministry groups know the real needs of the local communities they seek to reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His message of love for suffering humanity.
